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Web and Mobile Applications

What do web apps remind you? Is it a website, an e-commerce site or a CRM? Let us make it clear. We offer you the most accurate solutions for all your needs that you can access from your browser. Nowadays, mobile devices are number one in internet access, we provide mobile application development services compatible with all mobile operating systems such as IOS, Android.


Database, Big Data and API Development Services

How do you store your data on the internet? Do you have enough information about the laws such as GDPR, KVKK? We set up the infrastructures of both open source and private database systems for you, and design your database architecture. We develop API (Application Programming Interface) to access your data online and develop data visualization tools according to your demands.


Business Intelligence Solutions and Digital Transformation

Managing businesses is no longer as easy as before especially for fast growing companies. It is necessary to be competent in many items such as customer relations, human resources, supply chain, stock & warehouse and to be able to use these competencies online. We integrate you 100% with business intelligence management tools such as ERP, CRM and take your business one step further with customized solutions.


Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Applications

Artificial intelligence! Now we need to get used to this term that has started to touch every aspect of our lives and we need to use it well. If you want to take action based on data and take your steps firmly, you can make your sales forecasts more clearly with the applications we will develop for you, you can follow your products with cameras from production to the end user with image processing methods and catch errors that escaped the human eye.


DevOps Services

There are nearly 1.5 billion active websites, hundreds of millions of mobile applications, tens of thousands of online services in the world. Have you ever thought how this much data is stored, how is it secured, how is it optimized and managed? Derived from Developers and Operations, the DevOps concept represents coordination between development and operations teams. With our DevOps services, which have many different management models, the internet is under your feet.
